Matt and I spent Christmas with my college roommate Olga and her family. It was great to meet Olga´s husband and three year old child. Olga´s brother just got back from China, where he participated in the World Special Olympics. He won several medals. Olga´s Mom told us stories about being a Panamanian in China and not speaking English. She had several escapades on the bus trying to get to the stadium to watch the Olympics. Olga´s sister just had her third baby shortly before Christmas.
On Christmas Eve we ate a lovely meal at Olga´s parents house. It consisted of ham, turkey, arroz con pollo, a large rosca or braided bread, dates, apples, grapes, fruit bread, spiced punch and sangria.
Then on Christmas Day we took a trip to Olga´s aunts house in a nearby town and had a catered Christmas dinner. The men drank Chivas, rum, and wine. Both houses had real Christmas trees and were decorated like in the States. Everyone made us feel very welcome. Thanks so much Olga!
Back at our site, we are eating lots of grapefruit and oranges and looking forward to a birthday party on New Year´s Eve. As for work, we are making the rounds and working on starting our youth group. Matt has a fungus on his back, neck and now face. It´s little white spots, but you can´t see them from far off. We were ignoring it for a while now, but it moved to his face the other day so he went to the doctor´s today and got some medicine. Don´t worry, it will clear up in a few months! Otherwise, we seem pretty healthy.
Thanks so much for being in touch.
Miss you all very much.
Matt and Lisa,
Happy New Year!
Glad you had a great Christmas Day.
We miss you and Love you both!
Mom and Dad
Hi guys!
Glad to hear your holidays were good. Tim and I (well mostly me) started a blog - we'll send you the link so you can see the pictures of the snow here! Brrrr... It was 1 degree outside today when I left for work. Soak up some sun for us!
I met a guy today who spent sometime in Africa in the PC and was telling me how it was a life changing experience for him. Made me think of you guys and your adventure!!
Happy New Year!
We are finding it hard to believe how much time (and how many adventures!) have already passed for you guys since we saw you last. We're so glad to hear that you're happy and safe. Hopefully you're still on the upswing of all the health issues too. Hang in there!
Here in Brooklyn, we're thrilled with our new neighborhood and, at the last minute, I got a position at a smaller school still in Washington Heights that is allowing me to really grow as a teacher.
Henry is well, but, you'll be happy to know, on a strict diet. He is a tub of lard.
We miss you, are in awe of you, and wish you all the best!
Un abrazo fuerte,
Llewellyn and Tom
ps. We love a life tracked by food. Can't wait to hear about the next chapter!
Feliz anio nuevo, Lisa y Matt!
The photos of Olga and you, and of her dancing bring back good memories from Uni. Ahhgg, nice. And her mom and brother look just the same. Great to see your smile, Matt! Hope the fungus disappear soon.
Thanks for the email, Lisa. Thai was fun and it is always so good to see my family. It's been 2 years since I saw my sister last. All your questions in the email should be answered by the greeting card I had posted to you. If you don't get it by end of the month, you should let me know. I will give you the answers by email! So, just a little bit of more waiting and you shall have them...
:) Hope your week is running smoothly.
Llew and Tom! Happy New Year. Sent you two a postcard to Tom´s parents´ house. Not sure if you got it. Miss you so much, but glad to hear you´re at a different school and that el gordo is on a diet. Yep, if you´re fat, they call you gordo, if you´re skinny you´re flaco, if you´re N. American you´re gringo, and if you´re Chinese you´re Chino. That´s how it goes. Love ya! Lisa y Mateo
Thanks Erika! Seeing Olga made me miss hanging out with our cronies and dancing at SMC. I anxiously await your card! I hope your sister is well and I want to hear more about Thailand.
Love ya!
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