Howdy all. Sorry it's been over a month since our last post. We've been busy! Matt helped make 3 lorena stoves in the month of April (I helped make two of them)! Two of them were in our province and one was in a nearby province (more photos will follow in another post). The first stove we made was way up in the mountains, at Teri's site. Teri is a sustainable agriculture volunteer, and as it turns out she used to work at a school near us in the States. She works with a women's group in her site, so we helped build the stove for one of the women in the group. The family had a beautiful rancho kitchen (see below) with mud walls.
The night before we started the project we went to the woman's house to look at the base (always an important step). It was a table made of clay and wood. Unfortunately it was very high and she was very short. We mentioned that she was going to have to use a stool in order to cook on the stove, but she assured us that was fine. We also asked about the sturdiness of the table, but she told us it was a year old and when we pressed down on it, it seemed pretty sturdy. We were also a bit concerned about the lack of ceiling space in the rancho, which is important because one needs to be able to really pack down the dirt in the stove with a big t-shaped weight.
So we arrived that first morning ready to work, only to realize that our friend Vidal, who we built a stove with previously in nearby Ashley's site, didn't send up the formuleta, the wooden box used to make the frame of the stove. Because I'm a business volunteer and had the least amount of stove experience in our trio of volunteers, I said I'd walk down the mountain 1 hour to Ashley's site to get the boards for the form. I had heard about a short cut, so I asked some people in town about it and these two men, Jesus and Juan, agreed to take me to the crossing where I could find my way.
10 minutes into the walk (Jesus was in front of me, Juan behind me) Jesus jumped what seemed at the time 5 feet into the air. He put his arm back to stop me from walking any further and thank God because when I looked down a coral, aka deadly, snake was passing right next to my open toe Chaco sandals! If I walked 1 mm further the thing would have bitten me! The men then proceeded to kill the snake, which ran off into the bushes. I was a bit shaken up, but we continued walking. They left me at the crossing and I said I would be fine (even though I was lying and really wanted them to walk the rest of the way with me)!
So, 10 minutes later, I walked down this cleared mountain, on a dirt path, admiring the lake in the distance and the mountains surrounding me, and I was happy because it's so much cooler up there than at my site. Then to my right, about 2 yards away, I see the largest black snack I've ever seen in my life. Within seconds of seeing it, it starts slinking its way up the trail toward me! No joke, the thing started chasing me. Not having a lot of experience with poisonous snakes, I decide to do what Jesus and Juan did, which was pick up large stones and chuck them at the snake. So I picked up the first stone I saw and bam! I got the snake and it and the stone fell down the hillside. The only problem was that I too had to go down the hill! I stopped and stared down the hill for a few minutes and then just decided to run as fast as I could down the hill.
About 15 minutes later, completely and utterly freaked out, I picked up a stick and a large stone and decided I would walk the rest of the way with my weapons. I then ran into Ashley's host dad, who was like, "What the heck is this Gringa doing walking down the mountain with this rock and stick?" Yeah, I felt ridiculous, but I didn't care!
Anyway, the stove took a few days, and we had some headaches, but it turned out really cool. And it was great to be up high in coffee country. The top photo shows the Catholic church in Teri's town. The mountains are full of pine trees planted during the first Torrijos administration to stop erosion and whatnot. Now the land is protected by the state.
Lisa pounding down the dirt in between the rocks for base number 2! Teri, Matt, Lisa and the homeowner worked very hard to find the perfect rocks to make the base. We built the base all morning during day 2, only to realize that the formuleta (wooden box, which rests on top of the base to make the stove) was too big for the new base, so we spent the afternoon searching for and cutting new wood to make a new formuleta!
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