Ace, Emily, and Lisa are seen here in Portland. We got together for beers, lobsters and steamers! Wicked good!
Don, Lise, ZZ, and Joan gathered for a photo before we left to head back to NY for our flight to the Twin Cities for Tim and Jen's wedding (see upcoming blogs!).
Lise, Jim, Jo, Cait, and Scott are seen here at Cale and Christie's wedding in VT. A sunny, lovely day! They got married at the base of a ski slope, and it was really beautiful.
We're back in Panama now after an amazing few weeks back in the States. Thanks to our family and friends for everything! We had great food and, most importantly, wonderful visits. Sorry we didn't get photos with everyone. As we said above, though, photos and captions from Minnesota will be on future blogs. Meanwhile, we hope you're all well. Thanks for reading, and thanks again for all the hospitality!
Everything's cool in Panama, except the weather. We returned to days in the high 90s, making it feel like it felt in May. We got our house in order and mostly laid low last week. Next week we'll resume teaching, starting off with big slideshows of our grand tour. We're also preparing for our big HIV/AIDS/health fair in a few weeks. Our buddy Andres, the chief planner of the event, won a grant for $1,000 to fund food, shirts, transport, etc. We hope to get a group of young people from our town to attend.
One more thing: Diane, that letter you wrote was awesome!
Dear Matt and Lise--
So good to see you guys. ZZer certainly does not look like a 10 pounder. Anyway, I'm glad you liked the letter and I figured out the probable reason it did not reach you via mail. I plastered the outside of the envelope with about 8 of those cool super hero stamps, plus the fact that it was fat may have led someone to think there was something really good inside. Take care.
Hey Guys,
Wicked Good Steamers and Lobsters! Thanks for visiting, I hope the weather moderates soon.
Best, Ace
Hey guys,
Great blog! I feel very nerdy for even saying that. The pictures and stories are great.
Catie and I just ate plantains and rice and beans for dinner and we thought of you guys.
Thanks for the letter you wrote to us.
When will you guys be released as Panamanian POW's? Can we send a care package to you? You both look great. Matt, there were easier diet plans than joining the Peace Corps.
Seriously- keep up the good work. You guys are doing a great job and we're really proud of you! The Peace Corps is a great thing and people like you make the world a better place.
God bless and be safe.
Patrick & Catie
Thanks for reading and writing, everybody! We miss you all and hope you enjoy the rest of the summer. If you watch the Olympics, look out for long-jumper Irving Saladino, the current world champion and a Panamanian hero. Talk to ya soon. Love, Lisa y Mateo
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