Hey, hey, hey.
I’m posting some pictures from our trip to the indigenous reservation in the western highlands. We had a great time with our hosts, volunteers Brian and Amanda. They cooked for us every day and were very generous hosts. On Saturday we all took a five hour round trip hike to the top of a mountain. We could see the Pacific on one side and more mountains on the other. We absolutely loved the people we met and hope to be placed over there.
We find out of Wednesday where we’ll spend the next two years. We’re so excited! We have an idea about where we’ll be, but we don’t want to jinx it. Oh, in other news, one of our host family’s chickens had 5 babies. They are so cute. Some are black and some are yellow.
We still have Spanish classes everyday. My class is organizing a softball tournament and I’m helping with organizing people to make food to sell, etc. We’re hoping to raise enough funds so that we can buy books for the library. Right now there are about 50 books total in the library and none of them are for children. It’s rather sad.
We’re also hoping to start a reading program at the library. We chatted with the librarian and she said that they don’t have any programs at the library. She had never heard of a program where parents take their children to the library to hear a story. I told her it was very common in the U.S.
Matt’s technical training is going very well. Yesterday his entire class spent the day building a latrine for a family with little means who lives outside of the village. He’s a bit sore today. We’re staying very fit despite the excessive carbohydrates. We have two large hills that we climb to get just about anywhere.
We’ll email on Wednesday to let everyone know where our site will be. If you haven’t noticed, we can’t mention specifics on the blog (PC regulations).
Hasta pronto…
Lisa & Matt
I’m posting some pictures from our trip to the indigenous reservation in the western highlands. We had a great time with our hosts, volunteers Brian and Amanda. They cooked for us every day and were very generous hosts. On Saturday we all took a five hour round trip hike to the top of a mountain. We could see the Pacific on one side and more mountains on the other. We absolutely loved the people we met and hope to be placed over there.
We find out of Wednesday where we’ll spend the next two years. We’re so excited! We have an idea about where we’ll be, but we don’t want to jinx it. Oh, in other news, one of our host family’s chickens had 5 babies. They are so cute. Some are black and some are yellow.
We still have Spanish classes everyday. My class is organizing a softball tournament and I’m helping with organizing people to make food to sell, etc. We’re hoping to raise enough funds so that we can buy books for the library. Right now there are about 50 books total in the library and none of them are for children. It’s rather sad.
We’re also hoping to start a reading program at the library. We chatted with the librarian and she said that they don’t have any programs at the library. She had never heard of a program where parents take their children to the library to hear a story. I told her it was very common in the U.S.
Matt’s technical training is going very well. Yesterday his entire class spent the day building a latrine for a family with little means who lives outside of the village. He’s a bit sore today. We’re staying very fit despite the excessive carbohydrates. We have two large hills that we climb to get just about anywhere.
We’ll email on Wednesday to let everyone know where our site will be. If you haven’t noticed, we can’t mention specifics on the blog (PC regulations).
Hasta pronto…
Lisa & Matt
como estas?I can't speak spanish nevermind write it! I'll try though. Alyssa is taking spanish in middle school now so that will help. Well I like the views. It reminds me of the sound of music in a way.hahahaha. Lisa is matt ok cause i don't see him in any of the pictures:) Talk to ya later. Adios!Alihandra(Allison)
Hi Matt and Lisa,
Just read your latest entry.
Love you guys.
Dad, Mom and of course ZZ and Niki
Hi guys!
Our fingers are crossed for you for a good placement.. We're looking forward to hearing where you are and hoping maybe we'll even get to visit there!
Emily & Tim
Dear Matt and Lisa, I check your blog weekly to follow your adventures, root you on, hope that the netting is keeping out all of the night-time critters, get to know your new friends and see the beautiful country. Sending along love from your Sealey Cousins. - Love, Margaret
Hey Margaret! Thanks for reading. The computer centers are quite nice in Panama City. Hopefully the ones closer to where we´ll live will be nice too (in the larger city). Great to hear from you!
Hi Emily! Thanks for writing. I hope you and Tim had a great honeymoon. We had a fabulous time at the wedding.
Hi Matt and Lisa,
I am very interested in learning about Panama. Did you know that Norman was born in Panama? Anyways, I am looking forward to reading about all of your experiences. Take care. -Simon
Dear Matt and Lisa,
What a wonderful site. My social studies class is studying world geography and I would like them to see your blog. It really gives a good picture of where you are living. I hope you get that water situation straightened out soon. Stay well. Enjoy. Anne Feeley (Tim's mom)
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