Wednesday, September 26, 2007

A few bumps in the road...

So last week Matt and I were apart from one another. Matt and his evironmental health group were building latrines near where he and I will spend the next couple of years. It was especially rainy last week and on Wednesday he was pushing a full wheelbarrow down a really rough dirt road and he flipped over the wheelbarrow and landed on his right shoulder. The next day he had to travel to his sector conference (to meet all of the current volunteers in his program) so he decided to not seek immediate medical attention and see if it would improve with time.

On Saturday afternoon he travelled to see me and realized that he should get an X-ray. So first thing Sunday morning we got up and went to the hospital. They took a regular X-ray but it didn´t show anything. The orthopod who saw him assumed he had torn his rotator cuff, but told him he would need an MRI to see the damage. So, Matt talked the the PC medical office and they suggested he travel 6 hrs. back to Panama City for an MRI. So, he left first thing on Monday morning. He had the MRI on Tuesday afternoon and will get the results today. They suspect it´s a minor tear based on his mobility.

His injury sounds very familiar to me! Unbelieveable!

On Monday morning I headed to where Matt and I were supposed to spend the week. I went to what the PC calls ¨Cultural Week¨ aka when you live in a community near and/or similar to your permanent site. I lasted until yesterday afternoon! I had diarrhea all day on Sunday into early Monday morning. However, I then started to fell better, but couldn´t eat much food. Then on Monday night I woke up with a sore throat, so that on top of intense stomach pain resulted in a trip to the private clinic an hour and a half a way. So, last night I stayed in a hotel with my regional leader (a third year volunteer who stays on to help other volunteers in site), who´s really nice. Anyway I have to go back to the doctor again today so they can figure out if I have a bacterial infection, etc. Luckily, the clinic is within walking distance from the hotel (although yesterday we took a cab because I couldn´t walk!) I´m feeling better today, but still on edge, if you know what I mean.

So yeah, please keep us in your prayers! We need them this week especially!!



Tim said...

Yikes! Well, these things happen, but it sounds like despite it all you guys are getting good care.
I suppose it is best to get these things out of the way early so that you can enjoy the rest of the trip.
I hope both of you make speedy recoveries and are back to enjoying the experience in full as soon as possible.
Keep your chins up, I'm sure you will be "off the edge" and back on top in no time!

dches said...

Hi Lisa and Matt,

Mom and I are very concerned about your recent tough week and minor setbacks but we know you both have the strength to overcome these obstacles. Stay safe and be careful! We are praying for your speedy and safe recoveries. One day at a time.........Love, Mom and Dad